Private Benefits Consulting
Private Benefits Consulting: Includes a comprehensive assessment of the Individual disability and resources. After this assessment is completed, we will be able to guide you and advise you to access available programs that you may be eligible for.
How To Navigate the Disability Benefits and Public Assistance
Example of Consultation Matters may include:
- Review Social Security Benefits letters: Redetermination – Over-Payment – Work Activity Review
- Advisement to Access needed Services: Food Stamps – Medicaid – Med Waiver/APD
If you find it difficult or confusing, we’re here to help.
Scheduling an appointment for a Benefits Consultation (fee for service) at any time using our confidential Client’s Portal.
Schedule Your Benefits Consultation
Please fill out the form for more information or to schedule your consultation. If you are sharing confidential information with us for the consultation, please use our secure mechanism listed below to protect your confidential information at all times.
Note: Do not attach letters from SSA to a regular email.
Disclosure: We are a private entity and charge a fee for service. We do not complete paperwork for Social Security applications, or any other government program. Our fees are based on consultation/advisement service only.